Monday, December 30, 2024

Time to do life - out of season dates January - May 2025

Speekhout farm - the previously under&dirty dog that became the Father's lounger where He can sit as our honored guest👐

It took 8 years for God's vision to reform this farm and with that, our hearts. Under the same tree that we made an offer to purchase this Pandora's box, is where God came to honor us as His beloved. This is our story, from miry clay to feet upon the Rock: it is either your stumbling stone or it is your Chief Cornerstone. This is our Revival farm, the place God chose to bring us low so that we could be Revived.  For man in his fallen state it becomes simple, yield or become more abased. Eyes wide open yet sees nothing. Today I set before you life & death: choose Life!

Our friend, a salted boer from Bronkhortspruit told us too late, that the moment you put something behind a gate, it becomes your baas. Whether it is fauna & flaura, or people. We open and close those farm gates every single time. To keep this sort of thing in and that sort out. I can't agree more with good fences making good neighbors, it is as true as the Gospel!

A rainbow without rain

It takes time to be with God. We need time with God. It's busy on the farm, even busier when its dry. Precious Life Giving Water keeps everything alive. Waterworks and sunlight. The sum of water pipes over distances with solar/electric pumps, or gravity fed relays. It rules everything, it governs life on the farm. We need to sit still and be still. We want to be still so that we can not hear our own voices  reminding us of that thing that needs to be done before its forgotten. We just want to be ourselves here with God, without the tasks required to keep everything going that we have created since we moved here. There is a line for us all to choose consciously with our wills. At this point, we want nothing else than God's will for this farm and our lives on this farm.

Jesus said, “What can I do for you?”

The blind man said, “Rabbi, I want to see.”

“On your way,” said Jesus. “Your faith has saved and healed you.” 

In that very instant he recovered his sight and followed Jesus down the road.

Mark 10:51-52 The Message

So for the new year, we want to take time to be with God and change our paradigm on this farm. Is it possible? We will never know now will we, unless we risk to find out

Bookings are open from 1 January until 9 March 2025

and not from Monday 10 March 2025 up till Thursday 10 April 2025 

Booking are open from 11 April to 4 May 2025

and not from Monday 5 May 2025 up till Saturday 31 May 2025

Bookings are open from 1 June 2025 onward

These dates can also be viewed on the Tree House, Baviaanskloof listing on

We trust that your visit to the Baviaanskloof will be at the right time in His time, just as we are taking uninterrupted time to be where He is sending us or allowing us to be according to His will.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Spring Specials

 2024 September, October, November

Travelers often ask when is the best time to visit the Baviaanskloof?

Of course it is an open ended question. As with tree planting - the best time to plant a tree is today!

    Weather wise, these 3 up and coming spring months (similar to autumn before the serious cold sets in), are the most temperate of months for us. The days are balmy and warm enough to not wear that extra layer yet the evenings are still cool enough to get the kindling going for a warm fire outside and indoors. Its great to have had a longer sleep because now the sun is already rising earlier and one gets up when there is light!

    From the very beginning, we have loved to share our little farm with travelers who get out to the majestic quietude of the mountains and bird song in the crisp morning air. 

The Speekhout spring special is -15% on the total accommodation cost of any 2 night booking for two or more people at any one of our 3 self-catering farm stays during Sep / Oct / Nov '24

Mark and I came to visit the farm in September 2016 and stayed in the Klein Karoo Cottage for 4 nights, and proceeded to buy the farm in October, the sale concluded in November. We then moved here ourselves in April 2017. Ja we did. In hindsight, we never farmed before, knew nobody here, have never been in the hospitality industry or knew any of the cultural groups living in this closed community.

                 So why was God so excited to send us here?

Well, it turned out that Speekhout is our revival farm! In the end it took 7 years for our own REVIVAL to take flame. With so much to give God thanks for, we love to celebrate the Lord's Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah), Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) and Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) during the spring of our lives and the beginning of a new season.....


I simply love the smell of Jasmin. It smells of Newness of Life and the promise of the best that is yet to come! 

Please ask for the spring special specifically upon enquiry thank you. Paulien 072 202 5752 whatsapp only

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Winter Specials

The hidden season of the klein karoo is June, July and August

Brightest stars

Warmest wood fires

Feather duvet cuddling between flannel sheets

Fragrant Malay curries

Orange glowing mountain tops

Crystal clear water

Freshly baked bread

T I M E  T O  S L O W  D O W N

The Speekhout special is -20% on the total accommodation cost of  any 2 night booking for two or more people

We would appreciate it if you specify the special upon enquiry

We love to share our winter with travelers who get out to the majestic quietude of the mountains and bird song in the crisp morning air.  That is why we offer a winter special each year!

Paulien 072 202 5752 whatsapp only

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Ek is 'n skip in die Baviaanskloof

        Voordat ons albei te oud word en nog kon kies om kinderdrome te vervul, wou ons die stad verlaat en op ‘n plaas bly. So het ons verkoop, opgepak en getrek met alles wat ons het. Ons moes die oop-see aandurf wat toe eintlik die droeë karoo was. Die water het gelydelik om ons mooi skip opgedroog te midde ‘n aangaande droogte wat voor ons tyd begin het. Op ‘n dag erens tussen die toeriste pad en die teerpad, besef ek dat ons gestrand het in ‘n woestyn van pragtige majestueeuse berge en klipharte.

        Tussen my kniee en die stof, begin die onlesbare dors van droogte-depressie. Om 'n lang sad storie kort te maak, leer ons darm hoe om vir ons ongenaakbare en goddelose bure te bid. Ek begin te bid vir reen en herlewing hoe langer ons swoeg. Hoe meer dinge ondenkend skeef loop hoe meer smag ek na helder, helende Waarheid. Ons is verbeister deur die mense wat hulself oorgee aan skandelike drifte (die taal het ek in die Afrikaanse bybel gkry).

        Ag en dit was nie lank nie toe kom ek agter die locals het ons gemerk as inkomers. Serious. Aanvanklik word dit vermom as diegene wat nie hier gebore is nie, maar eventueel blyk dit dat dit ‘n voorkeur van ingetroude geselskap is. Tog skuil die oorsprong van die ongeskrewe kulturele reg om te kies wie is in en wie is uit, net onder die vel.‘Geslote gemeenskap’ was vir my artikel-woorde totdat my mooi skip in ‘n dig-toe plek kom vasval het. Of die brandmerkery 'n antitese is van die Blye Boodskap of nie, die mense kies spirituele blinheid sodat hul eie wil kan geld. Ek wonder wanneer gaan hulle agter kom dat die sout laf is. Vir almal wat alles weet, lyk dit of daar geen besef is dat Jesus die grootste inkomer is wat nog ooit gelewe het nie.

En die Koning sal antwoord en vir hulle sê: Voorwaar Ek sê vir julle, vir sover julle dit gedoen het aan een van die geringstes van hierdie broeders van My, het julle dit aan My gedoen. Mat 25:40

        Van Genesis tot Openbaring, sluit die Skepper die vreemdeling in Sy huishouding wat Hom as God aanbid. Jesus is die Koning van die Jode, Heilige van Israel, die Een wat was en Is en gaan Wees, ‘n Hebreuse man wat kultureel nie boer-Afrikaans of Christen is nie. Hy is inderdaat die Hemelse Bedelaar wat al Sy kinders wys hoe om Hom te volg. Hy sien alles en weet alles. Hy sien hoe onberou die bokke bly.

        Ek verstaan nou eers hoekom die Here so opgewonde was om ons in ballingskap na hierdie plek toe te stuur. Hy is die God van die wildernis en is intensioneel om spesifieke geestelike werk to volbring wanneer Hy jou trekpas gee. Dit sodat Sy roeping op jou lewe kan vervul word. Al het ons hoe ons beste voetjie voorgesit, die duiwel het ons nommer gehad. Rof soos bok-kniee is die vervalle staat van 'n mens maak nie saak waar jy op die aardbol bly nie. En toe is hier presies waar God gereken het, is ons tweetjies se perfekte plekkie om H E R L E W I N G te vind... 

        Dit was die terug-bid vir die vrees van God wat die reen van herlewing gebring het vir ons. 'n Mens kan nie se en maak soos jy wil nie, dis wat die duiwel in wese is. Die Vader het vir Jesus 'n wildernis, 'n Getsemane en 'n Judas gegee.

VOLG MY se Jesus

        Wat bly van die mens oor sonder die Heilige Gees se invulling? ‘n Geskende beeld van ‘n Skepper wat nie alomteenwoordig is nie, wat nie almagtig is nie, wat nie bevoeg is nie, wat nie betrokke is nie, wat nie goed genoeg is nie, wat nie soos ander afgode is nie.

        My weenklae het my barmhartige God gehoor. Ek gaan My Engel stuur om jou hele huis te besoek en vir jou te gee wat aan jou behoort, se Hy. Ek is jou Geregtigheid. Dit is My arm en My regterhand wat vir My die reg tot oorwinning uitbring. 

        Niemand kom eens agter dat Hy die stoor verlaat het nie. En as Hy nie daar is nie gaan ek ook nie daar wees nie. Wag, laat ek aanhou bid vir HERLEWINGS-REëN! Laat dit tog ordentelik ons uitgediende droeë skip deurtrek, die hout saf maak en een word met die kloofsand, want die ou skip kan nie die nuwe seisoen se seeninge hou nie, dit gaan ‘n Rooi Ferrari* vat om hierdie berge te omseil.


*Evangelistiese Bedienning